Episode 20: Modern Dance, Part 1
SYLVIA: There’s so much I want to tell you, Jenna. Things I’ve wanted to tell you, and your father, since before you were born. But as Alandra keeps reminding me, prophecy is an obstinate animal. Telling someone their own future is as likely to prevent it as it is to make it come to pass. A prophecy can be self-fulfilling - for example, there is a part of your prophecy that says you’ll meet a photomancer, and immediately become enemies, but that she’ll also be integral to fulfilling your own destiny. So I had Alandra encrypt this book. Now you have incentive to befriend her, in spite of whatever unpleasantness made you hate each other in the first place. Without the prophecy, I wouldn’t have encrypted the book. Without the encrypted book, you may not have befriended the photomancer. A closed loop.
Of course it doesn’t always work that way. I’m no chronomancer. I’m an electromancer, like you. A daughter of Reletha. I hope you know that. I hope I had time to meet you, to train you a little. But in truth, I have no idea when it is I’m going to have to leave you. That’s another thing Alandra’s prophecy was vague on. By the time they find you, I’ll be gone. If they find you. But again, you’re reading this, so - that’s the path we followed. I’m gone, and you’re at the institute.
Where did I go? Wish I could tell you that part, but again, it’s unclear. Alandra - Alandra is my best friend. My “ride or die” - I hope you have someone like that - Alandra has been having dreams about you since before she met me. Isn’t that odd? Since before I met your father, since long before you were even an abstract concept. You see, she’s a photomancer and a chronomancer- a rare combination. And so she’d been having these dreams, dreams about a girl. When she met me, she thought I was the girl in the dreams. We look so alike, you see- or, you look so much like I looked when I was your age. But soon it became clear to her that she was seeing farther ahead- seeing your future, and all kinds of events that were tied up with you.
Piecing these dreams together into a coherent sequence of events is more art than science, or so I’m told. Even if I wanted to tell you your whole future I couldn’t. And this book is less about your future anyway, and more about our past. Ultimately, what you do has to be up to you. Nothing is set in stone- even Alandra’s dreams.
CREDITS: Electomancy, Episode 20 - Modern Dance, part one.
LEONARD: Are you alone?
BRYNN: It’s the middle of the night, so yeah… this is the dream pipe thing?
LEONARD: The dream realm, yes. This is my last opportunity to contact you. I hope things are… alright?
BRYNN: They’re not off my back, but they haven’t dragged me away either. Glad to see you’re okay.
LEONARD: Well, sort of okay. It’s… not exactly a luxury retreat. Listen, I spoke to the lightning mage woman about what Jenna told me. Their seer confirmed her dad has been detained. Along with a bunch of other Ardovans dissidents.
BRYNN: Well that sucks, but what can we do about it?
LEONARD: The detention facility is heavily guarded, and secured by both magical and technological means. They’ve come up with a breakout plan- it's risky, but it would be a lot more likely to succeed with your help.
BRYNN: Our help? What do you mean?
MARINA: You asked for my recommendation, I’ve given it.
DEAN: And I appreciate your perspective, but this is still my school, and until the corps sees fit to remove me I will continue to make this kind of decision.
MARINA: We can’t ensure this school is secure. Hold the dance if you must, I understand tradition is important, but I don’t think VIPs should be in attendance this year. It’s too much of a security risk.
DEAN: If the coalition, or the Ardovan resistance, or anyone else for that matter wanted to stage a frontal attack on this school, the presence of powerful magecorps operatives would make that harder, not easier. The leaders of each aspect coming the day of the fall formal to evaluate the top seniors is an important rite of passage for the students and a critical moment for the corps. I won’t postpone it.
If you feel you’ll have your hands full, you can suggest they bring their own security.
MARINA: As if Mr. McCray’s incompetence wasn’t enough - you want to saddle me with more interlopers? No thank you. I work best alone. Besides, as you say, these mages are powerful enough- well, bodyguards would be redundant. To say the least.
ELLIE: Ow. Ow. Ow! What are we doing here?
JENNA: Having a secret meeting, I guess? I don’t know, Brynn just said she needed all three of us to meet her in the thorn room.
ELLIE: But why does it have to have so- many- thorns?
PEM: If you move slowly and pick your steps carefully, you get pricked a lot less.
ELLIE: But then you have the unpleasant experience of being in the thorns for a lot longer? So, like, I'm all for just- ow! diving in!
[We hear Ellie falling through a thick patch of brambles]
BRYNN: Finally.
JENNA: What do you mean, finally? It’s 11. You said 11.
BRYNN: It’s fine.
JENNA: What’s the deal?
BRYNN: I heard from Leonard.
BRYNN: And you were right. Sorta. The magecorps did take your dad.
ELLIE: What else did he says? We need more information.
BRYNN: Not much. Just that they rounded up a bunch of suspected dissidents. All Ardovan.
DEVON: Maybe I could talk to my dad? Get him to pull some strings? He’s got a few politicians under his thumb.
BRYNN: Really bad idea. First, he wouldn’t, second, we’d all get in trouble, and third, even if he wanted to help, they wouldn’t let him.
JENNA: But why am I still here? If they know about my dad, they must know- [she stops]
BRYNN: Must know what?
JENNA: Never mind.
BRYNN: Hey, are we a team, or not?
JENNA: We’re a team! That doesn’t mean everyone needs to know everything. Telepaths, remember?
BRYNN: We’ve got our own!
DEVON: I can barely protect you, Brynn, I certainly can’t protect four people.
PEM: Actually, Jenna’s been teaching us how to block mind scans.
JENNA: It’s not blocking, just… frustrating. Someone like the Dean could easily break one. Anyway, it doesn’t matter. Thanks for telling me, but there’s nothing we can do.
BRYNN: Actually, there is something we can do. That’s why I asked for all of you to meet me here instead of just Jenna. Like I said, it’s not just your dad- it’s a whole bunch of Ardovans, some of whom aren’t even involved with the coalition, so they’re all just “suspected dissidents” at this point. Probably why you’re still free, if your dad is just “suspected”. Anyway, the people Leonard is with have a plan to free the lot of them, but they need someone here at the institute to help.
DEVON: So, just to be clear, we’re literally aiding terrorists at this point?
JENNA: We’re aiding people who are trying to free a bunch of innocent people, including my dad!
DEVON: But won’t the innocent ones get released eventually once they realize they’re, you know, innocent?
BRYNN: Probably not. They’ll probably keep them for years while their cases slowly wind their way through the legal system. That’s what happened to the Caba rebels.
ELLIE: Weren’t they, like, rebels though?
JENNA: Not all of them. And it doesn’t matter, okay, it’s my dad! If I can do anything to help him I’m going to. What’s the plan, Brynn?
DEVON: I think everyone needs to agree to being involved in this or there is no plan.
BRYNN: C’mon, Devon. We need a telepath.
DEVON: Yeah? You need a telepath? Good luck finding another one. I’m sorry about your dad, Jenna, I really am.
PEM: Uh… I’m also really uncomfortable with this. You know me and secrets….
BRYNN: C’mon, Pem. We need your brain to pull this off. I might be a genius at scheming, but you’re an actual genius.
ELLIE: You already know the bad part. Is it really gonna be that much more stressful to know the whole plan?
JENNA: It’s fine! Let them go. I need to do this, but I don’t want to endanger anyone else.
BRYNN: Okay, but we really do need Devon.
DEVON: You always do. And then you’re never around when I need you. I’m done risking my hide for you, Brynn. You’re on your own on this one.
[we hear him depart through the brambles]
PEM: Jenna, I’m… sorry. This is just, a lot for me.
JENNA: It’s okay.
[they leave as well.]
BRYNN: Guess its just the three of us, then. There goes my plan. [beat] You think you know someone…
JENNA: Cut him some slack, Brynn. He’s right, this is a lot to expect out of anyone.
BRYNN: You don’t know our friendship, Jenna. I’ve stuck my neck out for him so many times- that ungrateful little traitor!
ELLIE: Ok, you’re really emotional right now, let’s, like, focus on the problem, okay? What can we do here at the school?
BRYNN: Apparently, the coalition has an inside man at the facility where the dissidents are being held. But he doesn’t have the clearances he needs to release the prisoners and there’s no way for him to get them. Only the top magecorps brass have the codes necessary to override the security protocols and get people in or out. Fortunately, one of those top brass is here.
ELLIE: The Magecorps Investigator. Professor Animar.
BRYNN: Bingo. According to Leonard’s sources, the magecorps uses a three-factor identification system, and in order to help the Coalition with her plan, we need to obtain all three elements of her security code, and get them to the coalition without her ever realizing they’re gone.
JENNA: That sounds impossible.
BRYNN: It was going to be really hard even with Pem’s smarts and Devon’s mind-reading. Now I think it really is impossible.
ELLIE: Well, we gotta get them back on board! Brynn, you can talk to Devon, I’ll track down Pem-
JENNA: No! It’s my dad. I’ll risk anything for him, but I don’t want to bring anyone else down with me. My mom… in the journal, she said she hoped I’d found a “ride or die” here- I guess that’s you two. Now tell us about the security code.
BRYNN: Well, there’s the code itself, which is what we needed Devon for. She’s got it memorized, I highly doubt she’s the kind of person who writes it down. The other two elements are a magnetized key card and an enchanted talisman. I was hoping we could make non-functional copies of those and swap them out for the real ones, and she wouldn’t notice until she had to use them. But we have no idea where she keeps them or what they look like. So, uh, I’m open to suggestions at this point.
JENNA: We need more information.
ELLIE: Obviously.
JENNA: Well… Ms. Harper and Bruce are both ex-magecorps, right? And neither of them like Animar very much…
BRYNN: How do we get anything out of them without tipping them off to what we’re doing?
JENNA: Bruce has been trying to get close to me! Probably because he wants to find out what I know about… what my dad was involved in. But what if I used that and… turned the tables on him? Pretended he had earned my trust, to earn his? I know there’s tension between him and that investigator. If I can get him to open up, he might let something useful slip without much more prompting.
ELLIE: And Ms. Harper?
JENNA: She loves to talk about the good old days and the war. I bet you can steer that conversation in the right direction without her knowing.
ELLIE: I don’t know…
BRYNN: It’s worth a shot. Anything we can find out about the talisman, the card or the Investigator herself could be useful. Ms. Harper loves you, Ellie. Plus you’re both Tolskvari. See if you can find an angle to work.
JENNA: What are you gonna do?
BRYNN: I’m gonna get the rest of our team back.
JENNA: Brynn…
BRYNN: Hey, Ellie’s your ride-or-die. Devon’s mine. And maybe I’ve taken him for granted too much these last few months. But I’m not gonna let that ruin your chance to save your dad!
BRUCE: That looks a lot better. It’s all about the bone structure. Did you study the skeletons in the lab like we talked about? Really study the insides of the wing bones? You gotta get those air pockets right or you’re not flyin’ far.
[We hear a goose honk in agreement.]
BRUCE: Yeah, I get it. Birds were the hardest for me too. Really struggled for a long time with everything but mammals. But now I love eagle form. It’s absolutely worth the effort.
[another honk]
BRUCE: Any time, kid. Any time.
[the bird flies away]
JENNA: Wait, was that just a goose, or?
BRUCE: Nah, that was a student. I don’t actually teach faunamancy, but sometimes the kids come to me for help or practice. Lorelai’s been having a little trouble with avian forms. Just can’t get the wing shapes quite right.
JENNA: Looked like a real goose to me.
BRUCE: Well, to the untrained eye, sure. But details really matter, especially if you have to worry about aerodynamics. Eh, anyway, what can I help you with?
JENNA: Actually wanted to check on you. I saw your office got moved…
BRUCE: Yeah, well, that happens.
JENNA: Seems a lot less nice than your old one.
BRUCE: I miss my window certainly. But that’s life in the grown-up world. Sometimes the boss makes decisions you’re not happy with.
JENNA: What happened? If you don’t, mind my asking, I mean. I thought you were the, eh, big dog around here.
BRUCE: Well I was. The corps is nervous about what happened with the library and… everything after that. So Mari- the Magecorps Investigator is here permanently now, I guess. Magecorps liaison, I should say. She needed an office, and… she ended up taking over mine. More centrally located, easier for her to keep an eye on things. You know. She said she needed a “control center”.
JENNA: Control center? What does that mean?
BRUCE: You’ve seen all these security upgrades they’ve been putting in. Some magic stuff, but a lot of it is tech. Stuff that’ll make it easier for her to keep an eye on everyone, and lock everything down in an emergency.
JENNA: What kind of emergency? Like an attack?
BRUCE: Yeah, like an attack. She’s got everything wired up so she can go into that office and lock down the whole school.
JENNA: Were you ever able to do that?
BRUCE: Definitely not. I still can’t. She has to activate the lockdown personally- she was pretty clear about all that.
JENNA: I’ve got to admit it was weird to hear to sonomancy kids call her “Professor Animar” I didn’t even know she had a last name-
BRUCE: Well I can tell you that’s not the one she was born with. The… organization she works for doesn’t use their real names ever.
JENNA: I thought she worked for the magecorps.
BRUCE: There’s a group within the magecorps. A group of very special mages who deal with.. a particular kind of threat. Some people call them the Anagram society. You know, like, Marina Animar. They’ve gone by a lot of names over the years. Officially they don’t have one. I mean, officially, they don’t exist. I shouldn’t even be telling you this.
JENNA: I’m happy to listen.
BRUCE: Ha. I’m sure you are. Look, the point is… Professor Animar and I have a… bit a history. We used to work together. And I did something she’s never going to forgive me for. So having her here, nominally in charge- yeah, it’s a little frustrating.
JENNA: What did you do?
BRUCE: I really can’t tell you that.
JENNA: I’m sorry it’s been difficult for you.
BRUCE: Yeah, well, that’s life. Lotta disappointments. You just get used to a new status quo and it all changes. All you can do is adapt with it. Speaking of which - how’re you adapting?
JENNA: I’m getting there. Thanks again for my old salpinette. It’s really comforting to have it.
BRUCE: Oh, no problem. Glad it’s a help. Look, you… you just gotta find joy where you can, Jenna. Magic’s a burden, but it can also be a gift. I love to take a run through these woods as a wolf- or soar over the grounds as an eagle. Sooner or later you’ll find something in your magic to take joy in.
JENNA: I don’t know about that. The main use for my magic seems to be killing people.
BRUCE: That’s not true. Electromancers can restart a heart, stop bullets - in your case probably kill the power to a whole city block. That’s as good for protecting as it is for killing. You’ll find something in it you really love. I promise. Just takes time. And if not, there’s always music.
JENNA: I suppose.
BRUCE: I gotta go. Can’t keep the boss waiting. But I’m here any time if you need to chat, okay?
JENNA: Thanks.
[we hear Brynn make some exertion noises and then feet hitting at stone ground after a drop.]
BRYNN: Wow, I had no idea the ice mage tower had such a nice balcony. Jelly. Photomancers don’t have anything like this.
DEVON: Did you… climb up here?
BRYNN: Yeah, it wasn’t pleasant. You can make yourself really hard to find when you don’t want to be found.
DEVON: And you can really not get a message when you don’t want to get the message. What are you, tracking me?
BRYNN: Sorta. I do live in the dorm with all the seers. They don’t all hate me. Just…
most of them.
DEVON: Sorry you climbed all the way out here, but I need you to go away.
BRYNN: So that’s it then. Three and a half years of friendship and it’s all over.
DEVON: I never said our friendship was over. I just need some space. Can you respect that?
BRYNN: I would, really. But we don’t have time. I need you. Jenna needs you.
DEVON: I know you spent some time in the past bonding with Jenna and getting radicalized even more, but I didn’t, okay? I have no desire to bring down the system. And even if I did, I’d stand a lot better chance of it by keeping my head down until I was in a powerful position. So would Jenna, and so would you. But you’re so obsessed with chaos for its own sake that you’ve never been able to see that.
BRYNN: It’s called integrity-
DEVON: It’s called bull-headedness. With just a dash of narcissism. And the coalition is a bunch of grown-up Brynns. They think they can change things by blowing stuff up. All that does is reinforce what mundanes already believe about us and what Oswer wants people to think about every mage in the world. That we’re dangerous. That we’re unpredictable. That we have to be controlled.
BRYNN: So what do you want to do? Stage a protest? Start a letter-writing campaign? You think that’ll get Jenna’s dad out of prison?
DEVON: If he’s innocent, it might!
BRYNN: And what if he’s guilty?
DEVON: Then he can live with the consequences of whatever it is he did.
DEVON: What?
BRYNN: I really misjudged you.
DEVON: No. I think you judged me exactly right. I just grew up.
BRYNN: And what is that supposed to mean?
DEVON: It’s supposed to mean, I’m not your henchman anymore, Brynn. I’m not the sidekick in your superhero fantasy. I’m living in the real world where this could very easily get both of us killed, and I’m not willing to risk that for someone I barely know, or for a cause I’m not even sure I agree with. You’ve been taking me for granted for so long, you forgot that I’m a person who can say “no.” So I’m saying it now. If you want us to have any hope of staying friends, you’ll leave it at that.
JENNA: Ellie, hey. What are you doing here?
ELLIE: Uh, studying? Sorta. [looks around] I will tell you more back there. Isolated table, you know?
JENNA: Uh, okay. I also have some “studying” to do.
ELLIE: Got it.
JENNA: Uh, Mr. Graves?
[We hear Cyrus re-shelving books]
CYRUS: Please, we time-traveled together. You can call me Cyrus.
JENNA: Uh, ok. Cyrus, then. Place looks nice. Really a lot cleaner.
CYRUS: Yeah, took a lot of work, but we got there.You haven’t been back since-
JENNA: No. Kind of brings back bad memories. I’m surprised you can keep working here.
CYRUS: Yeah, I’ll be honest, every so often I hear a student in the stacks and I get a little jumpy thinking it's another portal. But the mages who fixed up the wards have assured me that’s not possible. Anyway, what can I do for you?
JENNA: Um, I was wondering if you had any books on secret societies.
CYRUS: Oh! Of course. Right this way.
CYRUS: Working on a report, or is this just leisure reading?
JENNA: Oh. Uh, just curiosity. Someone mentioned something and I thought it sounded interesting.
CYRUS: What was it?
JENNA: Something called the anagram society?
JENNA: What did I say…?
CYRUS: [uncomfortable] We’re not going to have any books on that… here. But, there are a lot of other cool secret societies from the past you might be interested in!
JENNA: Uh, that’s okay.
CYRUS: Where did you hear that name, anyway?
JENNA: It’s not important. Uh, thanks for your help.
CYRUS: Jenna?
CYRUS: I don’t know if I ever got a chance to… thank you. For getting all of us home.
JENNA: Oh, well, a lot of that was Pem. And Brynn, I guess.
CYRUS: Yeah, well - as much as I love studying history, I wasn’t looking forward to being part of it forever. I’m eager to see what you’re capable of once you’re all trained up.
JENNA: (uncomfortable) I gotta go meet my friends-
[more footsteps]
ELLIE: Oh, hey. C’mon, sit down. We checked, there’s no one in earshot.
PEM: Do I need to leave? Is this more scheming?
ELLIE: That is up to you, Pem. Jenna, what did you find out?
JENNA: Well, I thought I had something, but it’s a bust I guess. Bruce mentioned something called the anagram society, but when I asked Cyrus about it he got the weirdest look.
PEM: Not surprising. The anagram society is the magecorps secret police.
ELLIE: I thought that was the black bands?
PEM: The anagram society is even more secret. You’re not gonna find any books about them in a school library.
JENNA: How do you know about them then?
PEM: There might have been some oblique references to them in some of the more restricted books that Cyrus leant me. But nothing specific or useful.
JENNA: I thought if there was a book about them we might be able to get a picture of this talisman, at least find out what it looks like. I don’t know how we’re supposed to steal something if we don’t even know what it is.
Only other thing Bruce said that might be helpful is that Marina was setting up a “control center” in her new office. He did say some of it was magic but some was just tech, so, uh, we might be able to hack it with our powers? I don’t know. He did say she could lock down the whole school from in there. Has to be her though.
How did things go with Ms. Harper? She drop anything useful?
ELLIE: No! She really didn’t. But something she said did give me a thought and so I got this book to confirm my suspicions!
JENNA: Electromancy- Advanced techniques and applications? Ellie, this is a standard textbook for seniors.
ELLIE: Yes, I can also read. And, look at this page.
JENNA: Hotel keycards?
ELLIE: Hotel keycards have reprogrammable magnetic locks. Well, the really fancy modern ones do. It’s pretty new tech. They use a machine to copy the magnetic pattern to the new card so the door can read it.
JENNA: Okay…
ELLIE: Electromancers can mess with magnetic fields. With precise enough control, you could copy a pattern like this onto a blank card.
JENNA: Ok, first, where do we get a blank card? Second, how do I learn field manipulation that precise in only a few days? And third, wouldn’t I still need a little time with Animar’s card?
ELLIE: Yeah. Uh, those are all questions we need to answer. I was hoping…
JENNA: What?
ELLIE: I was hoping that one of the things you hadn’t been entirely forthcoming about was how much Electromancy training you’ve had.
JENNA: Yeah, I mean, that’s [whispering] true, but it still doesn’t mean I can do this.
PEM: Can you sense magnetic patterns?
JENNA: Big ones. Obvious ones, yes. But it’s not something my mom managed to teach me before…
ELLIE: It was just a thought okay. I- I really wasn’t sure.
JENNA: No, it was a good thought. I just don’t think it's what we need right now.
PEM: It’s a piece of the puzzle.
ELLIE: I thought you weren’t helping us.
PEM: Well, I still don’t want to, but as a theoretical exercise I do have to admit it is fascinating. We have to steal three things. One is just a thought and we don’t have a telepath. One we don’t even know what it looks like. And one an extremely scary and vigilant woman carries with her at all times. It’s kinda hard to resist the riddle element of it.
JENNA: Then help us solve this riddle, Pem. Think of it like a theoretical exercise.
PEM: But it's not theoretical, it's practical! You’re actually going to do it.
ELLIE: But… pretend… we’re… not.
PEM: I… don’t like this. But… I’m already working the problem. Don’t know if I could stop now even if I wanted to. I’ll tell you what I come up with. But no promises- it might be impossible.
JENNA: Thanks Pem. I know it might. But the effort is appreciated. Shhh. Someone’s coming.
CYRUS: Oh, sorry to interrupt. Look, I just realized you’re new here and grew up far away. Just wanted to say- maybe don’t mention the anagram society to any other teachers. It just… raises a lot of suspicions.I don’t want you getting in trouble.
JENNA: Thanks Mr.- thanks Cyrus. I kinda got that.
CYRUS: Anyway, with your powers, I don’t think espionage is a realistic career aspiration for you. The corps is going to want to maximize your abilities. Stuff like keeping bullets off a whole army or powering giant automata. Or just- frying everything electric on the battlefield. Taking all the mundanes out of the fight. You know.
JENNA: Oh, I wasn’t- thanks. Yeah, I get it. Not subtle. Kind of a useful thing for a spy to be.
CYRUS: If you did want to think about the future, you might see if you can chat with Major General Ducaines when he’s here to evaluate the senior electromancers. I’m sure he’ll want to meet you anyway.
JENNA: Oh, maybe. Thanks.
[CYRUS walks away]
ELLIE: I think you’d be good spy, Jenna.
PEM: I think I’ve got it.
ELLIE: Got what?
PEM: The dance. The dance is the key.
JENNA: I’d honestly forgotten about the dance.
PEM: VIP mages in attendance. Bruce and the Investigator will be on guard looking for any sign of trouble. Probably expecting small-time pranks because they happen most years, and maybe more on edge because of recent events- all kinds of new security measures going up here at the school and-
ELLIE: So, uh, wouldn’t that make it a bad time to cause trouble?
PEM: No, it's perfect. I have a plan. It’s… it’s a really bad idea, actually. And I wouldn’t want to be part of it myself. But it could work.
JENNA: What are we going to do?
PEM: We’re going to cause trouble.
CREDITS: Electromancy is written, produced and directed by Nathan Comstock. This episode was sound designed by Nathan Comstock with music by Thomas Dwyer. Script Editing was by Phoenix Bunke. It starred Azul Nova as Jenna, Austin Hendricks as Ellie, Sena Bryer as Pem, Leslie Gideon as Brynn, Tuesday Orion Ibert as Devon, Zachary Robb as Dr. Sumner, Joe Kearney as Bruce, Deja Scott as Marina, Brian Green as Cyrus, Emily Buza as Sylvia, and Nicole Tuttle-Robb as Alandra. Thanks for listening, and thanks to everyone who contributed to our crowdfunding campaign to make this show happen.
ALANDRA: What did Leonard have to say?
SYLVIA: They’re going to try. Gods, I hope this wasn’t a huge mistake.
ALANDRA: It’ll be okay.
SYLVIA: Are you saying this because you’ve foreseen it, or are you just trying to be reassuring?
ALANDRA: You know that’s not how it works boss. I can see possible outcomes, no future is written in stone.
SYLVIA: That’s my daughter in there. I don’t appreciate empty platitudes. .
ALANDRA: Boss, don’t forget- I’ve known Jenna longer than you have. In a way. Trust me. Succeed or fail, this isn’t how her story ends.